Is this thing on? Testes, 1, 2. Anyone there? Where are my comments, peeps?! I have not had a comment in too long and am going through
withdrawals here! I loves me some comments, without them I feel like I am in a veritable ghost town and talking to myself about stuff no one can relate to. I even checked my analytics to see if maybe there was a block on my blog and no one could get to it. I don't think you understand what your comments are to me. They are my manna from heaven. The creamer in my coffee -- and I
LOVE my coffee and creamer. When I check my emails to see what comments I raked in and see
nothing, well, it ain't right, sir! Maybe you are boycotting me because I have not gotten to your blogs like I should have. And you would be 100% right. I have no good excuse (
Facebook) for why I have been so remiss (
Facebook). I recently purchased a weed eater and it has been my newest favorite toy that vibrates (better than
Facebook right now, but I think
Facebook will come up in the ratings real soon). If I promise to put down the
Facebook and visit your blogs again, will you leave me some comments? Or do I need to wander the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to find some manna from your heavens? I will even settle for smoke signals just to let me know you are still breathing in and out...
Blindbeard - I do read all your posts and enjoy them. No need to go thru the desert for 40 days and nights ... just a quick note gets those comments coming your way!
I know what you mean, comments are great and I love receiving them. Never had one yet that I wanted to throw back.
"Here!" (raised hand)
I save my favorites for savoring. Unfortunately, the pile of INs is growing much more quickly than the elimination of the OUTs, thus leaving a whole bunch of my peeps' posts at the bottom of the Google Reader.
Sorry dear, I've been saving yours for more careful reading (which I've not accomplished yet). Also, there's this new website which has jigsaw puzzles on it. Oh my, that's a fun time-killer. And Scrabble...and Poker...and health care town halls...and sleeping all day...and playing with 3 cats...and....and.......
I read all your posts so I will raise my hand and say Here.
I'm here....wouldn't miss one.
I try to get through at least some of my chores before I start reading my favorite blogs, because once I start reading, I'm lost. Who knew there were so many insightful, articulate, funny people blogging about MS?
I'm a follower, so I raise my hand too! Haven't felt pithy lately. Notice I haven't updated on my OWN blog.
I have to go with Webster on this one. The last few weeks have been really lousy for funny and insightful posts and comments. So sorry!
I'm still here. I've been incredibly busy getting ready for the start to a new school year (after taking off a year). I still read your blog and catch up on other when I get a free minute.
I just wanted to stop by and ask you to stop by my blog and receive your award
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