Friday, October 17, 2008

Whatcha Doing, Beautifuls?!

Sorry for my prolonged silence, but when life is such a steaming pile of nothing, I don't have a lot to talk about. I got over my migraine a few days ago, but I had a less major headache for a few days afterwards. Then I had a sick kid for the last 2 days. Then I accidentally took a double dose of my baclofen one day and was a warm pile of jello for that morning. All in all I am suffering from acute (nothing cute about it) cabin fever and may end up chopping up my roomies and stuffing them into the walls of this house for added insulation, so watch for me on the evening news. I'll be the one with the wild, untamed mass of hair, pacing and chanting, "It puts its stuff in the right bin or else it gets the hose again!" My little sister's bf/f plays in a band and he has a gig tonight, which my little sister also has off, so I may have to go be social tonight -- EEEEK! Yesterday, I poked my head into their room, a dangerous test of daring courage, to tell them that I had to get out of this house and was feeling like I could use some social interaction. What is wrong with me?! I never want social interaction. If anything, I shrink from social situations and get extremely nervous when I have to walk in front of a bunch of people. But right now I feel like I have to get out and mingle with the natives or I will go crazy, and that is a path I don't want to go down again. I know that everyone at the bar they are playing at will be drunk and no one will notice a thing about me, so that is in my favor. The fact that it is a college town and I will probably be the oldest slut there is not in my favor (nobody wants to be the oldest whore in the bar). But I'm not too sure I really care at this point as long as it gets me out of this house for a few hours.

As to the title of this post, it is my favorite greeting when I run into someone I know. One time my little sister and I were in the same drive-thru line, I was right behind her so I rolled down my window and yelled out the title of this post. She was embarrassed (what's new?) and told the lady at the window that it was her sister that yelled that. Later she asked me if I had to do that. Why yes, I did, thanks for asking. Even if we pass each other by the house I still have to call it out. I ask everyone who comes home from whatever they were doing the same thing, to their amusement when I ask my little sister's bf/f. I am an equal opportunity embarrasser. Although I have to say, reading your blogs made me feel like you guys were not doing so great, Beautiful. I'm sorry to read that so many people are struggling with their emotions and MS right now. I go up and down and back and forth with my emotions. The only reason I haven't come totally apart at the seams is because I take an ungodly amount of anti-depressants and I wouldn't have it any other way. It seems to me that the emotional aspect of MS is all too often swept under the rug. I try to find out if what I am feeling is normal and can't find any in-depth information about the emotional distress (might not be the best word, but I am positive it was "distress" for me) that can come with MS. And really, how could it not come with it? Unless you have such a mild disease that it doesn't affect your life (in which case I hate you), it comes with the territory. But all this would be much better as its own post, and I should check your blogs to see if you have already covered this before I launch into it, you being so much more informed and up-to-date than me. I am perfectly content to bumble around and be #2. Besides, sometimes I get so darn sick of MS I feel like if I read one more word about it I am going to go crazy and start chopping people into bits.


  1. I agree with you when you say that you might start chopping people into bits if you read one more thing about MS. I really enjoy reading everyones blogs and especially like the positive words and suggestions that I get in response for my blog. The other day I thought about not reading the blogs for a while b/c I wasn't sure if it was doing anything positive for me. I feel like I need positive things in my life at this point.

    I hope you get out tonight! Enjoy yourself!

  2. Glad you posted. I was beginning to worry about you. (Not to mention I missed your sharp wit). I find self isolation is pretty effective when I've simply had enough. That ensures I don't start chopping people to bits or kick the dog (it would be more emotionally devastating to me to kick the dog). I try to be positive on my blog, but it's just not aways possible!

  3. Glad you're back, Blindbeard.

    I banged the heck out of my toe a couple of days ago (MS drunken sailor walk) and have been off my feet and trapped in the house yet again. Had to cancel a few outside things and that just gets me crazy. So now I can place weight on my foot again and we're getting the hell out of here for a couple of days (Atlantic City to do some gambling.) Not a moment too soon.

    Too much MS talk can drive a person crazy also...I'm glad I can temper my MS writings with talking about women's health on another site. Makes me realize that other people have problems too, such as stage IV breast cancer. Very humbling experience. I relish the day when I will switch over to a more cheerful topic, such as seasonal cooking or book reviewing. That is one of my goals for 2009. But I still love writing for my MS site and wouldn't trade that one for the world. I try to keep that one upbeat and hopeful, because so many people are struggling (emotionally) on the other MS sites.

    Okay-- I've blathered on now for way too long. But you've been away for far too long. I think we'll need a "Leave of Absence" notice next time for a smoother adjustment..

  4. PS: "It puts the lotion in the basket..."

  5. Hello beautiful. I'm glad you're back. Let's not talk about MS.

    I hope you have fun at the bar and if you don't, at least you will have cured the urge...

  6. Come visit me and cure two problems in one: You'll get out and socialize and I'll be the oldest whore in the bar.

    Oh, and we'll go to the mall and just sit for hours mocking stoopid people...well, OK...ALL people!

    Linda D. in Seattle
