Friday, October 10, 2008

Fowl Mood

The only reason I am in a foul mood is because I have a migraine. If I didn't have a migraine I would be doing something better than sitting in a dim quiet room right now. It all started the other night. My little sister's bf/f was checking on something of his in the garage when the cats ran into the garage and wouldn't take their rotten, cat-box-ignoring-when-in-garage butts back out of there. Acting like the garage was better than a fish market and pretending to be feral, they hid from us and resisted any attempts to get them back out. Alas, the lawn mower and the gas can were throwing off odors of gas that came boiling out of the garage (left the door open for the ass clown cats) and stunk up the whole house. As soon as I smelled the gas, I took my fat arse off the couch and cracked open the garage door to let the fumes out, but the damage was done. I woke up with that funny feeling in my teeth that I always get from migraines, like they are gritty and rubbing against each other funny, and makes me brush them repeatedly throughout the day. I finally got my Tysabri done today so I am not feeling the burn from that, but I am in such a foul mood I felt like fighting with someone. I didn't want to take the fight home, so I texted my ex husband and told him that I thought a pygmy dwarf is better hung then him. That and I thought it was past time for him to suck his mom's d*ck. He thought both of those suggestions were fabulous and thanked me for pointing them out to him. For some reason the man loves my bad moods and was enjoying mine so much he wanted me to come up there (2.5 hours away) so we could have some sweet lovin's down by the fire. I had to politely decline and let him know that I would rather become a nun or pith myself with an ice pick, than have any of that in my life. I'm not really in the mood for boys right now.

I can't see a thing right now either. Migraine + MS = One very blind Blindbeard that doesn't want to drive anywhere. My thoughts are scattered so I hope this makes some sense. And my email is not working right now, which I don't care too much about yet, but I probably will when I feel better. I am now going to go back to my dim, quiet, hidey hole. Be back when my teeth stop squeaking. BB


  1. Made perfect sense to me. Feel better soon. (What a fun ex)

  2. I was in a pretty cranky moody yesterday. Probably from the cabin fever. I've been a hermit for the past few days, and I'm going bananas from lack of outside stimulation. Now I'm feeling physically better and I must get the hell out of the house today, for my own sanity.

    I'm glad the Tysabri is working. Get rid of that migraine soon, though..

  3. PS: This is the correct spelling of "MOOD"....

  4. Sorry for all the crap. I can relate to the foul mood. Mine comes and goes a lot lately.

  5. Hang in there. Seems foul moods are inthe air. I've been in a fowl mood all day myself.

  6. Can't even relate to what you are going though but Mom had her pissy moods too. :) Get some rest and hope you feel better!

  7. Katy, I would love to chat with you one on one. If you are up for it......

  8. Hope you are feeling better. I miss reading your blog.

  9. And here I was expecting some kind of BIRD post! Just goes to show you my intuition is way off these days.

    Fowl or foul...hope it improves.

    Linda D. in Seattle
