Sunday, December 13, 2009

12 Days Of Christmas

*Author's Note: I'm reposting this for any who might have missed it last year, but I am working on a new one for this year. MS is the gift that just keeps on giving... and giving, and giving, and giving, and giving.

On the first day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

1 life time of misereeeee.

On the second day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereeee.

On the third day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereeee.

On the fourth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the fifth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the sixth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the seventh day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the eighth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the ninth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the tenth day of Christmas my MS gave to me

10 year old I can't keep up with,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my MS gave to me

11 jerks and twitches,

10 year old I can't keep up with,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a lifetime of misereee.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my MS gave to me

12 things I can't remember,

11 jerks and twitches,

10 year old I can't keep up with,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.


  1. Coulnt read passed day 3. Very sad had to write in first place. Realise MS makes a difference to life and is not nice but it is worse with anger and eats away. If thought there is always somebody worse off it does help.

  2. Hey there,

    So I found your blog when I was looking for MS blogs and other MS related info. and such because I got diagnosed a week and a half ago. I'm 16 with my entire life ahead of me. Weirdly, I love reading you depressing blog. Seeing all that negative only forces me to want to disagree (or something) so I find the positive... the "silver lining" if you will.

    So thank you for your dreary blogs. They're helping me to cope with this unfortunate disease.

    Cheers and Merry Christmas!


  3. Well, call me strange, but I was LOL the whole way. The only downside is I'll never be able to hear or sing this carol in quite the same way. That's okay. We have to find humor where we can. Isn't that what the best comedians do?

  4. I love this. You get it exactly right. Some days, no matter what you've got going on that's positive, this MS shit just sucks.

  5. Ha, with a little tweaking, I could sooo use this for my fibromyalgia.

    Kate W.
