Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why Am I Awake?!

I first rolled over to see what time it was at 3:20am. My tongue had just unfurled from my mouth dryer than the Sahara desert and with probably more cacti on it. My nostrils were so stuffed I was unable to get a decent breath through them. Trying to get a molecule of air through my nose gave me a nose whistle and when I started trying to whistle out Jingle Bells, I got disgusted and gave up on any more sleep tonight. My pain meds had ran out on me sometime earlier, leaving me alone in the bed with a tooting Midget and a note telling me that it was great, but not great enough to stay all night. I raised the white flag and stumbled to the bathroom for water to moisten my poor mouth. I douched my nose (think it is technically called "irrigation," but I like to use the word "douche" as much as possible), brushed my teeth, took my meds, started my coffee (always the kiss of death for any hope of sleep after that), and here I sit: cross, sick, in an attack that just keeps dragging on... and on... and on... Princess was sick earlier this week. She lolled around on my couch, hogging it up and coughing all over me, no matter how many times I gently reminded her to "COVER YOUR DAMN MOUTH WHEN YOU COUGH!" So now I am under the weather and frankly, my dears, it is getting very old. Princess has a basketball tournament all weekend and I am not sure I will be able to make it. I really want to go; I love watching her games, but I'm not sure I will make it. The shrink sent me a very nice form letter to let me know I need to come back in for a follow-up visit because that is very important when switching meds. I don't really care to run back down to the ghettoooooo ("and his mama cries") but know I need to.

I think I had more to crab about, but Midget just puked and ate it before I could get paper towels. I think I'm gonna be sick...


  1. You always get me snickering! I was just wondering the same thing - what am I doing up at this hour?

    Hope you can make it to the ball game.

  2. Um, at first I thought you'd had some sort of interlude with a midget (who was on his or her way out after leaving a note for you.) Then I realized at the end of the post that Midget is one of your pets....I think...

    I get the primary insomnia where I can't GET to sleep. I've been having a bout of it myself in the past week. I tell everyone it's because I have such a dull life during the day that things really pick up at night and I can't turn them off. I scheme things for my website, I think about others' blogs and funny comments, I think about going and volunteering, I think about family crap....on and on....I broke down and took a smidge of Klonopin a couple of nights because I just wanted to be done with the nonsense (it's MY gold standard, so I try to save it.) I have to get up early a few days in a row because that usually does the trick for me.

    I catch everything from my nephew when I visit him. He'll be sick and I'll do everything to avoid swapping sputum with him, but suddenly I'll have a cold or bronchitis two days later. Almost always.

  3. Nephews (and princesses) are great resources for colds, crude, and sniffles. Like every time I visit my brother I can count on somebody being sick....always.

    So sorry you are feeling like crap. Hopefully, Midget doesn't crap and then eat it right in front of you. Now, THAT would be gross.

  4. You have put my life in perspective. I hope things look up for you soon.
