Friday, December 19, 2008

12 Days Of Christmas

*Author's Note: I'm reposting this for any who might have missed it last year, but I am working on a new one for this year. MS is the gift that just keeps on giving... and giving, and giving, and giving, and giving.

*Author's Note II: For some crazy reason, my date on here is messing up. Until someone fixes it for me (ie my roomies) it will be wrong. Just wanted to let you know that, no, I am not living in my own time zone, contrary to popular belief.

On the first day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

1 life time of misereeeee.

On the second day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereeee.

On the third day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereeee.

On the fourth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the fifth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the sixth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the seventh day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the eighth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the ninth day of Christmas my MS gave to me,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the tenth day of Christmas my MS gave to me

10 year old I can't keep up with,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my MS gave to me

11 jerks and twitches,

10 year old I can't keep up with,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a lifetime of misereee.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my MS gave to me

12 things I can't remember,

11 jerks and twitches,

10 year old I can't keep up with,

9 assistive devices,

8 new aches and pains,

7 night meds,

6 morning meds,

5 itchy spots,

4 stiff limbs,

3 hours of sleep,

2 frozen feet,

And a life time of misereee.


  1. Thank you for this lovely song, Blindbeard. I've been itching for a new post from one of the blogs I read (yes, I'm that bored and boring.) It's freezing here and I have no motivation-- or reason, really--- to venture out until about 6pm.

    I'm so enamored with this song that I'm gonna click on the little ad widget at the bottom of your page. I hope this goes to you and not Google. I'm all about getting the revenue to the right people!

    Right now I have fatigue, but I also have PMS, so it's hard to tell what's going on. Jimmy leg (left) at night, and I'm forgetting how to spell simple words and remember them at the ends of sentences (usually more so at night when I've been up for a while.)

    Above all this crap, I hope you have a decent Xmas, Chanukah, winter solstice (yesterday?), Kwaanza, or what ever you like to acknowledge. Keep warm those feet!

  2. I think that song is TOTALLY publishable...perhaps best sung by? I don't know...some sappy-assed singer like the deceased Bing Crosby. Who died anyway, as we ALL will.

    Good on ya, BB. Keep those creative juices flowing. LOL

    Linda D. in SEattle

  3. I laughed so hard at your song that I snorted in front of my husband. So he laughed at me AND your song!
