Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is This Day Over Yet?!

I don't post twice in a day too often, but today I have to make an exception. I have had a pretty rotten string of luck today and I hope if I get it all out tonight I can wake up and start fresh tomorrow. For some reason August seems to be my bad luck month. I don't know if anyone else has bad luck months, but I definitely do -- and no, I was diagnosed in March, but I am 99.9973% positive that my MS probably fired up in an August from ye olde days. Here is my day, I hope it makes some one feel better if they have had a bad day to know that I am a total bumbling fool:

This morning I got up to let dogs in/out depending on where they decided to spend the night. Big dog slept in my room, little dog stayed out to tear apart my bag of potting soil all over the porch, which was then rained on and made a big slippery mess that I nearly fell in and gave both dogs and I muddy feet that were tracked all over my clean kitchen floor. I have not been able to locate my mop so all floor cleaning is done on hands and knees by me. I hope my mop sees my "lost" posters and comes home to me. I really miss that mop.

I go to brush my teeth and I take a mouthful of mouthwash and get one tiny drop down the wrong pipe making me choke and almost get half of it in the sink. The rest was sprayed all over the sink and mirror. I put deodorant on my toothbrush by mistake and had to scrub the crud out of my toothbrush and the top to the Sunday compartment on my pill dispenser decided to run away today, presumably to join my misunderstood mop, spilling several pills down the sink drain.

I go to get my shirt out of the dryer and I step on a really big bolt in the arch on my foot, that most tender and sensitive of areas, and let forth a string of naughty words that would shame a more delicate flower than myself. I could only find this uncomfortable bra (the rest are probably in the dryer but I lost interest in the contents of the dryer to the pain in my foot) and bloomers that have unraveling elastic, which I have snapped myself with several times today -- I can never seem to get it all off of there. I didn't realize the stains didn't come out of my shirt until I was too far to go back, so I look like a slob.

At the infusion center it was "Don't Take A Shower Day" and packed more than ever. The only chair left when I got there was one that was all automated but was broken. Both my neighbors, in the true spirit of the day, came prepared. The one to my right was asleep and snoring loudly, and to my left was a talker with very bad palsy. I only mention the palsy because of what happened next. There was only one nurse on when I showed up, the other at lunch. So while said nurse was trying to start my IV, Talker decided he needed his soda right now! He kept saying her name and she kept repeating, "You have to give me a minute." He got his soda, which was new and almost completely full, got the lid off, took a small drink, and then held on to it with all the palsy he had in him. I saw all this because I was looking in his direction while getting the IV started (I have to look away) otherwise I would have helped him. He had the lid off and was shaking that soda until it foamed like a mentos was dropped in it, getting me and him soaked. He didn't apologize, just kept saying the nurse's name but now saying he needed a towel. I found out later that him mom works there and he is very used to having everything revolve around him -- he will run over anyone in his way way without warning and thinks it a hot joke. I don't think hitting the nurses with a motorized wheelchair is a real knee-slapper, but maybe I am just a Negative Nancy.

I burnt the frozen pizza that was my dinner. Spilled my water and broke my favorite glass. Slipped on the mud on the back porch again and forgot about the Sunday compartment again but only lost one pill this time. Now I am raising the white flag and am going to bed -- hopefully I get there safely and I am not getting up unless it is officially 12:00 am or later. Sleep sweet all.


  1. Yep, I've had days like those.....
    "Don't take a shower day"....heh.....
    Hopefully, today will be better.


  2. I like reading your blog, Blindbeard, for 3 reasons:

    1. While it is often very heartfelt and moving, at the same time it is saturated with hilarity.
    2. A lot of times a "Braincheese" will leave a comment with equal amounts of hilarity. I like her picture of a shrunken head with long, spiked hair. Now who can take that image seriously?...
    3. Being a minimalist, I like the easy flow of your blog homepage: posts with places to comment at the bottom. I am not confused by a lot of other stuff on the page, so I don't go into ADD mode and tune out.

    Oh--one more reason (4.) The homepage is blue and peaceful (maybe really an addendum to #3.)

  3. That sucks. It can only get better from here, right?

  4. So often I wish we lived closer by...I am CERTAIN we could become fast friends in irreverent humor! And we'd probably BOTH get kicked out of the infusion center...

    Linda D. in Seattle
