Friday, February 8, 2008

My Face Hurts And Its Killing Me

A couple of days ago I noticed my jaw was stiff and sore on the right side. I just chalked it up to tension (over what, I have no idea. I spend more time thinking about cupcakes then worrying.). Then last night I woke up in the middle of the night (no small feat with the meds I take) after dreaming that someone stabbed me in the side of the face to find that it felt like someone was stabbing me in the side of the face. This is my first bout with trigeminal neuralgia and I think I could have gone happily to my grave without this experience and not felt like I had missed out on anything. You read about things like, "stabbing pain, lightning-like shocks" and until you have been there it is hard to imagine the extreme discomfort of it, or at least I had a hard time imagining it (mmmm, vanilla cupcakes with butter cream frosting). I don't think I tarried over the pages talking about TN much until now. I could go into a big, long, boring description of the hideousness of the overwhelming pain in my face, but I think this best sums up how I feel: Sweet. Mother. Of. Pearl. The only good thing is that I don't want to eat anything, not even cupcakes.


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